Sunday, May 20, 2012

Another 2012 Solar Eclipse photo from Las Vegas

After going through more of my pictures, I found a better picture of the solar eclipse.

In this one, you can see it a bit more clear and right before it set behind my neighbors roof.
This was taken with my Canon 7D, 300mm @ F45 1/8000 ISO 100

Solar Eclipse 2012 from Vegas

Here is my attempt at taking pictures of the solar eclipse from my backyard

Great tips from FontanaKnowledge's video on How to shoot an annular eclipse
Thanks a bunch!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Creating Illusion

I wanted to post the photos I turned in for my Commercial/Illustration class at CSN.  The assignment was to turn in 6 photos of our theme of choice in one week.  I chose glamour portraits and decided to use my daughter, Raven, as my model.

I didn't have a make-up, hair or fashion design artist on hand, so I had to work with what I have at home.  I originally wanted to do six different outfits, but found that just one outfit takes what I would call "half a day" to create and shoot.  So I went with three different changes and submitted two of each.

 I was very pleased with the outcome.  My goal was to take someone that was not a professional model and produce different characters.  She did very well.